Get your S.H.E.T. together!

PODCAST_COVERIf you follow me then you probably have an interest in DIY apparel and if you're interested in DIY apparel then you are probably familiar with Mimi G. She has certainly influenced myself and many others to begin their sewing journey!2007-2016-0151233736393727553Mimi G has managed to turn her hobby and love of sewing into her full time business. Now she not only blogs, she designs her own patterns (for her own line and a partnership with Simplicity), teaches others to sew through her Sew It Academy, serves as an influence for lifestyle brands and motivates others through her multiple speaking Mimi G is adding podcaster to her list of credentials. Today she launched her latest venture, Business S.H.E.T, a weekly podcast on which she shares how she grew from a hobbyist blogger to an one-woman brand. She is sharing her experiences to help other avoid some of the pitfalls she faced along the way. In her Business S.H.E.T weekly podcast she will share how to get your S.H.E.T. together by:

  • SOLVING a problem
  • HELPING your customer/followers get past their current stage
  • EARNING respect and
  • building TRUST

I've had a chance to listen to the first two episodes (which are live now!) and I'm motivated to grow TipStitched to the next level. Mimi G is so real as she shares the highs and lows she's faced over the last six years in Episode 1. In Episode 2 she keeps it real as she shares some of her highs and lows to prevent you from making the same mistakes she did and to prepare you for the obstacles that every growing business faces. She also provides actionable steps each week so that you can be a do-er and not just a dreamer.As a DIY blogger who wants to follow in her some of her footsteps I will be listening every week to gain knowledge about entrepreneurship. Why wouldn't I listen to a person who has paved the way in the field I want to flourish within? Especially since it is FREE???I remember years ago when I had a sales job I persuaded the top seller at my location (and one of the top five of that company) to allow me to follower her around just so I could learn what she had already perfected. After all, who wants to make mistakes that could be avoided? You'd be surprised as there were other employees that had been working with her for years who never sought out her knowledge (or did but then didn't really want to put in the work). Do you know that in my first year I was consistently in the top three salespersons of my store!! I out earned others who had been in that same location for over five years! How? By listening to the best in my field who I could glean information from directly. Now we all have that chance thanks to Mimi G.Maybe you are not interested in being an entrepreneur, not everyone is, but there are still valuable life lessons in these podcast that apply to more than just business. Through her business journey Mimi has also experienced personal growth and everyone can benefit from a little growth.growth

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*this is a sponsored ad but the thoughts and opinions are my own.


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