The "Patrice" Dress

PatriceCrossMy friends and family often send me fashion photos for inspiration or requests. That does happen to all sewists right? Or are my people crazy? Either way, a good friend of mine sent me this photo and asked could I recreate it for her to wear to homecoming? I told her I thought I could and so I did.PhotoGrid_1508716480329I’ve posted this dress (on my mannequin) alongside the inspiration dress to Instagram and Facebook and y’all asked for photos of it on, so here you go.[gallery ids="12562,12560" type="rectangular"]Additionally when I asked y’all if you wanted a video tutorial for this dress you overwhelming said yes!!!This is will be my first tutorial so please be patient with me. I plan to record it over the soon and have it up on my YouTube channel before the new year. Hopefully you'll have enough time to sew it up for your New Year’s Eve parties!Below is the supply list so that you can to be ready to go when I post the video.

  • 2-2.5yds lightweight knit (ITY, jersey)
  • Bodycon dress pattern(M6886, M7531), a self-drafted knit dress sloper, a bodycon dress or tank top
  • Paper (tracing, wrapping, packaging, taped printer paper)
  • Rulers (straight and curve)
  • Scissors (fabric and paper)
  • Pencil, pen, marker



Girls Joggers Suit - Simplicity 8268


The Mimi Dress - SewSoDef