2023 Goals

I'm not really a "New Year, New Me" kind of person, but anytime is a good time to set new goals or start new habits so why not use the beginning of a new year as a reason to do just that. I think many of us have been in, or at least, in-and-out of a rut since 2020. Maybe I'm projecting because I certainly have been. Things are pretty much back to normal, but then again not quite...and who says we want the old normal back anyway. All that said I do have a few goals moving forward and I figured I should share them with you!

1. Create consistently

One of the main things I've lost over the last few years was my sewjo. With nowhere to go during quarantine I had no desire to sew new outfits. Even now since my office had adapted a hybrid model new pieces just doesn't seem necessary. In reality it isn't, but if you took a look in my closet you can see I never needed more clothes. I sew because I enjoy creating garments just for me and I need to get back to that. I miss it.

Additionally I want to challenge myself with new things namely shoemaking. I have dreams of making closed toe mules, strappy sandals, foot bed sandals and - one day - boots! Also content creation, new skates moves, etc...

Last but not least I want to create more memories with my family and friends. Fun, hilarious, turnt up memories, but also chill, vibing, restorative ones.

2. Engage more

Even though I did enjoy the solitude of quarantining at first and still appreciate working from home, I do miss some daily interactions with people outside of my family. I feel this is needed in all but my absolute closest friends groups.

Friendsgiving 2022 @ Melanated Fabrics

But maybe most so with my sew peeps, even though I was still scrolling IG most of it was mindless. Sure I liked a post here or there but I wasn't commenting and sharing and I certainly missed more than a few events. I even stopping my #FanGirlFriday stories where I share my favorites makes for the week. I want to get back to that.

Friendsgiving 2022 @ Melanated Fabrics

Also I want to help the community by sharing pattern reviews, new indie pattern makers, tips and tricks and more. I desire to have more conversations, ask and answer questions. My YouTube channel has been neglected for years, definitely plan to add more content there. I'd like to send out monthly newsletters to my blog followers (ie. YOU). look out for a newsletter at the end of the month. If you're not on my mailing list scroll down and add your email!

Hopefully you noticed a bit of a refresh to the blog and there's still a few things I plan to add. This was my first step!

3. Make healthy decisions regularly

The kind of meals I should be eating


My diet has been atrocious over the last couple of years and I really need to reign it in. And it's not about weight, although losing a few pounds wouldn't hurt, but rather about how sluggish I feel. I want my endurance and energy back.

In a word way I miss the gym I used to workout 5 days a week, every work day during my lunch break, lifting weights, HIIT, cardio, zumba, yoga... Something! That ceased when covid hit and I've just not got back to it for longer than a month or so at a time. Thankfully my new pup forces me to go on 2 walks a day and that's better than nothing, but I really need a regular work out regimine. I want my strength back, feeling weak sucks!

4. Rest and reflect

One thing that became evident during quarantine is that I was on grinding autopilot. Wake up, commute, work, workout, commute, home/kids, sew and share, clean, sleep, repeat. I think we were all a little burned out and didn't even know it or well just accepted as "life".

I want to spend more time intentionally resting as opposed to crashing on the sofa for 3 hr naps because my body literally demands rest. I'm not 100% what time will entail but I imagine more hanging with girlfriends, more skating, more soaking baths, more park visits and more spontaneous day trips.

What about you? Are you a new years goal setters? Or maybe a vision board creator? Any changes or improvements you plan on making this year? Let me know.


Rainbow Bright: Simplicity 9380


Winter 2023 Sewing Plans