So I did a thing...

It seems that this nationwide sheltering in place has caused many people to pick up or a return to a new hobby. Hundreds of people have returned or been introduced to sewing, especially initially to supply masks. So much so that there was a shortage of sewing machines and fabric. Many creatives have explored other medias, like Brittany J Jones began and Mimi G Ford return to knitting. Other DIYers finally purchased or opened their Cricut machines. This time has given many more time to some to spend more time in the kitchen exploring new dishes and cuisine.

As for me I've mostly stuck to sewing although I have some Cricut projects planned. I've been wanting to learn to knit for some time so I plan to watch Essential Skills for Leaning to Knit on Skill Share by Joy Macdonnell to get started. Making shoes seems amazing, I mean if you make clothes why not make the shoes too? So I also grabbed the I Can Make Shoes Online Course and hope to have time to really get into that soon.

Still some are exploring something new all together like photography, biking or carpentry. My husband is now obsessed with gardening and so are many others. (Follow him @ATLgrow).

But what I really want to share is I did a thing this weekend, I bought a pair of roller skates!

Random fact about me. I love to skate. Well I should say I used to love to skate 😂😂😂. Like many 80s babies I grew up hanging out with my friends at all-day skates at our local rink. In high school I was a carhop at Sonic Drive-in (there's a whole nother story about that for another day). A friend and I even did a lil rollerblading around campus in college.

Fast forward to adulthood, I've skated a few times with the kids at parties and such. And now that COVID-19 has given us some free time Miss Socialite started to ride her (too small) bike and I can't kept up on foot. As I'm sure y'all know finding a bike right now can be difficult, so I thought why not skates. Apparently TikTok has many skating popular again, especially outdoor skating since rinks were closed for a time, so finding skates has also been difficult. Thankfully a local skate shop had some in stock and I was able to snag a pair. (I highly recommend Skate Escape if you're in Atlanta!) I even ran into Nikki G while I was there.

Y'all let's hope it comes back like riding a bike, because I'm pretty sure a fall will be totally different at 40 than it was at 16. LOL I haven't tried them out yet because I need to find some outdoor wheels first (I spent a whole weekend researching skate stuff so I'm an expert now). I might try in the garage with these indoor wheels.

What have you tried or return to since you've been sheltering in place?


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