Am I crazy?!

I just entered the Wardrobe Suduko Contest over at Pattern Review. YAY! I've entered a couple of other Pattern Review contest (I even won one!) and I think they can be a fun way to challenge yourself and stick to a deadline.First of all I should say I love Pattern Review, it's a great place for all things sewing related; pattern reviews, machine reviews, pattern releases announcements, contest and classes. If you don't already know about Pattern Review, check it out!Okay back to the contest, when I say I entered, I mean I've done absolutely nothing except decide I want to submit an entry. I am intrigued by this contest because I had never heard of a Suduko wardrobe. However, when I read the contest rules I thought "How cool?!" Maybe that's because I'm a puzzle/brain teaser kind of person.

Wardrobe planning is like a game of Sudoku – making that skirt work with that top- but then which shoes will match?!? The principal is pretty straightforward: 4 Tops, 4 Bottoms, 4 Accessories, 4 FootwearThese 16 items fit in a 4 x 4 grid. EACH row – up and down, across, and diagonally – must “work with” or “coordinate with each other". This will result in at least 10 combinations.

Here is an example I found on Su Sews So So. Notice how each row (horizontal, vertical and diagonal) create an outfit. I'd argue that each quadrant contains or could contain an outfit as well.Style Sudoku - Holiday 1Though these contests are usually 1 month in duration, this is a two month contest because 10 pieces need to be sewn. That's right TEN!!! To read all the rules head on over to Pattern Review's contest page and click on discuss!I think this contest will be a great way to ensure that I sew a cohesive spring wardrobe. I am going to try my best to also use this challenge as a stash buster. Hopefully I have enough fabrics in my stash that can work well with each other to create a cohesive collection. Planning is going to be key here. I have to have a game plan in place before February 1st. So I guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend!I'm sew excited, but 10 pieces in 8 weeks is a lofty goal!!! AM I CRAZY?!?! Do you visit Pattern Review? Are you going to join this contest? Had you heard of Suduko wardrobe?


Little Red Dress: Vogue 1513 a Fabricista Post


Dramatic Drape Back Cardigan - McCalls 7441